A few days ago, it was National Gardening Day. So, I decided it was the perfect time to plan my annual garden. There I was scouring the internet for garden tools and resources. I scrolled through various rakes and shovels and assorted tool kits and seed options. Suddenly to my great surprise, an unexpected item appeared in the list — behold the banana duck!
Obviously, I couldn’t stop laughing. This little statue was the funniest thing that I’ve seen in a while. It was completely out of place in the middle of all those gardening items and yet somehow, it was perfect. Perfectly hilarious that is!
When I discovered that today was National Banana Day, I thought, “Hey! I know the perfect mascot. Good ole banana duck!” I mean really…doesn’t every day need a mascot?
All right. Maybe not.
The fact is that National Banana Day was created at some point (the exact origins appear to be lost to history) to celebrate both the nutrition of this once exotic, now humble fruit AND its comedic value. Be honest. You laughed right along with the rest of the audience when an actor “slipped” on a banana peel, right?
Over time, you likely heard plenty of banana jokes. You may have even told one on your “banana phone.” However, this popular fruit is actually a mighty powerhouse. It’s a conveniently packaged superfood chock full of vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C, iron, and potassium. It’s low in fat and cholesterol, capable of satisfying your sweet tooth, and it even provides a little protein.
Another benefit of bananas is that you can compost the peel. There’s no waste and it’s a great way to help your garden, as the peel will add nutrients to your soil, like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It helps you and your garden grow! What’s not to love?
So, grab a banana and celebrate this National Banana Day. (Banana duck not included.)
That is way too cute and very funny indeed! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🦆🦆🦆🦆I might make a banana bread today!